MØDE | 29. October 2024

Ungt Lys workshop: Drawing Light

Join us for a creative night of drawing light! How does one communicate the experience of light? How do we communicate our ideas to other lighting designers, to architects or to a client?
This evening will be about understanding how we can communicate a three dimensional, sensory experience on a piece of paper, from drawing simple light icons, to using sketching as an ideation technique.
The workshop is lead by Ungt Lys board members Doğa Gurler and Dagmar Milthers.
Doğa works as a lighting designer at the award winning lighting design studio Fortheloveoflight where she uses visualisations in her daily praxis. Dagmar works as a lighting advisor for the light manufacturer Fagerhult, and has also used light sketches in her work as a lighting designer and advisor.

No prior experience needed.

We will supply sketching equipment, but feel free to bring papers and pencils if you have it.

The event is only for members of Ungt Lys.

Become a member of Ungt Lys
Price for membership of Ungt Lys is 150 kr. Read more about Ungt Lys and become a member

Tid: 29. October 2024, kl. 16:30-20:00

Sted: Kaktus Towers, Tower A, Dybbølsbro 3, 6th floor, København

Sidste frist for tilmelding: 28th of October 2024

Arrangør: Ungt Lys

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