Join Ungt Lys

20 kr.

Who can become a member of Ungt Lys

  • Currently enrolled students
  • Recent graduates (up to 3 years)
  • Under 30 years old

Benefits of being a member of Ungt Lys

As a member of Ungt Lys, you get a number of membership benefits:

  • You can participate in all Ungt Lys activities at membership price, and you can participate in DCL’s member meetings at a membership price
  • You get the opportunity to see inspiring lighting solutions in practice
  • You meet the other DCL members, and maybe your future employer or internship
  • You will have access to DCL’s advice
  • You will have electronic access to all issues of the magazine LYS 2010-2022

Price for membership: 150 DKK. incl. VAT

If you sign up as member after February 2024, you will only pay for the remaining month of the year. 1st of January 2025 you will receive an invoice for membership for 2025.

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