Mød indlægsholderne på Lysets Dag 2021


Steven W. Lockley, Ph.D., Neuroscientist at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston
Steven W. Lockley, Ph.D., is a Neuroscientist at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston, an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Professor and Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Surrey, UK. He has studied the effects of light on circadian rhythms and sleep for 25 years and is a specialist in the effects of light on the circadian pacemaker and other ‘non-visual’ responses to light in sighted and blind individuals. He has studied the role of light timing, duration, intensity, wavelength and history and most notably to date, the wavelength sensitivity of the circadian photoreception system, helping to confirm the remarkable earlier discovery of a novel non-rod, non-cone short-wavelength sensitive photoreceptor in ganglion cell layer of the human eye.
This work has led to new understanding of how the eye detects light and a range of applications including light treatments for seasonal depression, brain injury, dementia and shiftworkers. He co-leads a current study to measure the impact of a tunable LED lighting system in astronaut circadian rhythms, sleep and performance aboard the International Space Station. He was an early proponent of translating these benefits into architectural design, and led the collaboration between the Alertness CRC and Solemma to produce ALFA, the first lighting design tool to model the ‘non-visual’ effects of light. He is Vice-Chair of the North American IES Light & Health Committee developing standard for ‘non-visual’ lighting applications.
Steven W. Lockleys indlæg holdes virtuelt.​

Dean Skira, Lighting Designer, CLD, IALD, IES, HDR, founder of SKIRA Architectural Lighting
Spreading the word of light throughout the world, Dean encountered diverse religious, cultural, historical backgrounds of the people he met on his journeys. In these last decades of his interactions with different people, he realized that humans speak a common language when it comes to light regardless of their differences.
Under the title Hunger for designed light? Dean will argue if lighting designers have found or lost the words that make people understand the benefit of having a lighting professional involved in the project, no matter the size, style or value.
Dean is a CLD Certified Lighting Designer, member of the IALD, IES and a frequent lecturer. For the past 30 years. He is the founder of SKIRA Architectural Lighting and an enthusiast, explorer, creator, seeker of the new, risk-taker, globetrotter, defender of the beauty. His specialties are design thinking, innovative lighting design strategies, lighting projects and product design.
Indlægget er sponsoreret af iGuzzini.

Jim Collin, Founder and CEO Jim Collin Ljusrådgivning AB
If we want to design good light for humans we must look beyond the basic metrics and subdue to the fact that visual perception is not formed in – or limited to – the measurable standards of the eye. Visual perception and human need for light is instead – and of course – formed in the complex and own willing temple of the brain. From an engineer’s perspective it might seem philosophic and fluffy to look beyond metrics but it does not mean that metrics or standards, as such,should be discarded. It simply means that the standards should be seen as a basic starting point rather than the full solution.
Under the headline, Light beyond metrics, Jim will explain and show why we can’t rely on metrics alone, if we want to create spaces and places that are visually appealing and well-suited for human need.
Originally an electrical engineer Jim went back to school to study lighting design when he realized that his metric tool box was not enough to create good spaces for people. Following his degree Jim has spent the past 20 years enlightening people in the duality of light as a combination of function and aesthetics. After a career in lighting design, ending as the international head of Light Bureau, Jim today drives his own business as a lecturer in lighting combined with a partnership at a lighting supply company.

Christina Friis Blach Petersen, Co-founder and CEO, LYS Technologies A/S
Just as air, food, and water, light is a natural and vital source of good health. To most people, the absorption of light is an unconscious choice in life. It’s everywhere, always. But not necessarily in a healthy way, especially in modern urban environments where we spent more than 90% of our time indoors. LYS Technologies looks beyond the lifespan of a lightbulb, the aesthetics of a lamp, and the technology of smart lighting systems.
Under the headline Live healthier with light, Christina will tell us how Lys Technologies focuses on what should always come first: people’s health and wellbeing. Bridging the gap between personal health and light, LYS works three dimensionally, from raising awareness on the impact of light with a wearable light sensor and a coaching app, inducing individuals’ behavior change with in-app wellbeing programs, and improving indoor light by directly integrating with smart lighting solutions.
Christina is passionated about creating awareness around lights impact on wellbeing and making healthy light available to everyone, Christina created LYS initially as a student at Imperial College London. Now a member of the Imperial Court, she holds an MSc Innovation Design Engineering from Imperial College and an MA from the Royal College of Art. In 2018, Christina was the winner of MIT’s ’35 Innovators under 35′ award.

Vladan Paunovic, IALD, CLD, Architect, Lighting Designer (MA), Head of Lighting Design, Henning Larsen
Efter elleve indholdsrige år i Rambøll med masser af spændende projekter har Vladan fået mulighed for at kaste sig ud i nye udfordringer som lysdesigner i Henning Larsen. Som Head of Lighting Design i Henning Larsen står Vladan i spidsen for en gruppe talentfulde lysdesignere, der beskæftiger sig med varierende opgaver inden for lysdesign og rådgivning om lys. Henning Larsen udvikler knowhow indenfor både dagslys og kunstlys.
I sit indlæg Har dansk lysdesign trange kår set i et internationalt perspektiv? giver Vladan en status på lysdesign som en profession i Danmark. I forhold til de øvrige bygningsdesign- og byudviklingsdiscipliner anvendes lysdesign i designprocesserne sporadisk og i mange tilfælde overfladisk. Situationen i Danmark står i kontrast til situationen i mange andre områder i verden, hvor bevidstheden om lysdesign er langt højere end i Danmark, selvom den genereale bevidsthed om design i Danmark er blandt de højeste i verden. Hvorfor er lysdesign som en designdisciplin ofte negligeret i Danmark? Hvad skal der til for at bevidstheden om lysdesign blandt interessenterne på det danske bygge- og anlægsmarked øges? Dette er blot nogle af de spørgsmål, som vil blive diskuteret under indlægget.
Indlægget er sponsoreret af Fagerhult.

Kristian Vielwerth, senioringeniør og energikonsulent, Teknologisk Institut
Kristian Vielwerth er kendt i rollen som kursus-, projekt- og forretningsleder på Teknologisk Institut, hvor indsatsen ofte er koncentreret om at formidle og demonstrere teknologisk muligheder til et betydeligt netværk af håndværkere, rådgivere og bygningsansvarlige. Det sker bl.a. via indlæg på kurser og temadage for Energivejledere, Energikonsulenter, offentlige bygningsejere og boligselskaber samt via projekter som fx udvikling af Bedre Bolig-ordningen og analyser for Energistyrelsen i relation til Energimærkningsordningen. Erfaring med screening og udmåling af belysningsanlæg er blandt andet opnået i egne analyser af udendørs reklamebelysnings påvirkning af omgivelserne, indendørs belysning i sportshaller samt almene belysningsanlæg i kontor- og erhvervsbygninger, fabriks- og lagerhaller. I 2021 har Kristian varetaget udviklingen af et kvalitetssikringskoncept for funktionsafprøvning af bygningsinstallationer efter kravene i BR18. Et fagmodul om belysning er udarbejdet i samarbejde med DCL og indgår i kvalifikationskurset som lanceres til efteråret, når den nye registreringsordning for funktionssagkyndige bygningskonsulenter går i luften. På Lysets Dag vil Kristian fortælle om det nyudviklede kvalitetssikringskoncept for funktionsafprøvning. Kristian er i øvrigt tilknyttet DANAK som særlig sagkyndig på Energimærkningsordningen og på Kvalitetsledelse efter ISO9001 og er kursusleder på TI-uddannelsen i certificeret energiledelse efter ISO50001.

John de Joode, President European Lighting Expert Association (ELEA) and Manager, itsme Lighting Technology
The right light at the right place brings out the best in people and gives people the opportunity to challenge others and themselves.
More than 34 years active in the field of lighting and human well-being from the combination of daylight and artificial light is a personal motivation for John de Joode. His expertise in lighting is (heavy) industrial applications, ranging from a drilling platform to a brewery.
John de Joode is Chairman of the Board for Nederlandse Stichting Voor Verlichtingskunde (NSVV) – The Dutch Foundation for Illumination Science. NSSV stands for sharing and preserving knowledge about lighting and lighting techniques and this fits perfectly with his work for the European Lighting Expert Association (ELEA).
Within a set framework called “From Awareness to Continuous Professional Development (CDP)”, ELEA tries to get more people interested in the profession of lighting designer, and with CPD as a proven method the association tries to keep the obtained knowledge at the highest possible level.
The European Lighting Expert Association defines the educational standard of the European Lighting Expert (ELE) by coordinating and defining the examination for obtaining the title of European Lighting Expert (ELE).

Inger V. Erhardtsen, senior el- og belysningsrådgiver, IVE Rådgivning
Inger Vervaet Erhardtsen har ekstensiv erfaring særligt inden for belysningsdesign og elinstallationer. Hun har gennem sin praktiske erfaring en bred viden inden for flere lystekniske områder. Efter uddannelsen som lysdesigner i London i 2010 har hun kombineret sin praktiske erfaring med design og flere menneskelige/biologiske aspekter inden for dagslys og belysning. Inger rådgiver og underviser som specialist inden for elektrisk belysning, dagslys og lysstyringsstrategier. Herudover har Inger stor erfaring med DGNB lavenergi-, renoverings- og udviklingsprojekter. Inger har undervist på Aarhus Universitet i belysning, LED og dagslys, og deltager i flere forskningsprojekter i samarbejde med bl.a. Aarhus Universitet og BUILD, Aalborg Universitet. Hun arbejder også aktivt i Standardiseringsudvalget for DS/EN 12 464 Lys & Belysning for Dansk Standard.

Lars Barthold Hansen, Market Area Manager Denmark, Light Bureau
Lars has spent the last 26 years of his career in the lighting industry. Working for Philips, Flos, ERCO and Artemide before entering Light Bureau in 2019 has given him a unique knowledge of the lighting industry and the processes and challenges involved. Lars will moderate the panel discussion.

Lysets Dag 2021 er sponsoreret af:

Lysets Dag 2021 er arrangeret af DCL med We Build Denmark som medarrangør

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