Ungt Lys tour: Retail Lighting

MØDE | 16. marts 2023

Ungt Lys Light Tour: Retail Lighting

Join us on March 16th for a walking tour of Copenhagen’s retail spaces, led by Jørgen Hedrich, CEO of HOFFT and lighting design expert. Discover how lighting design can transform the retail experience and influence consumer behaviour. With Jørgen as our guide, we will visit some of Copenhagen’s most innovative retail spaces.

The walking tour will start in Vognmagergade 7 at 16.00. After the tour, we will meet at Anarkist Bar for some hygge.

Secure your ticket soon, as we only have some few spots available!

Participation is free for members of Ungt Lys
Price for non-members: 150 DKK

Become a member of Ungt Lys
Price for membership of Ungt Lys is 150 kr. Read more about Ungt Lys and become a member.

NB! The event has the members of Ungt Lys as a primary target group, i.e. students and recent graduates
If you are in this demographic and are interested in participating, then we encourage you to become a member, at the same price as admittance to this event. With a membership, all future events, this one included, will be free of charge (see more about the benefits of a membership here).
If you are interested in participating without a membership, you are very welcome to buy access below
Please note that the contents of the events are tailored to our members, with emphasis on strengthening the network in the association as well as learning and sparring for those who are starting to enter the industry. If you have questions about whether this event or association is for you, then please feel free to contact us at ul@centerforlys.dk or on instagram via dm @ungtlys


Tid: 16. marts 2023, kl. 16:00-18:00

Sted: Vognmagergade 7, København

Sidste frist for tilmelding: 14. marts 2023

Arrangør: Ungt Lys

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